LuxaLight applies LED software and hardware components in LED installations for the optimization of production processes, production efficiency and…
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a protocol used by programs to transfer data to other hosts in an IP network. Fast communication via UDP protocol…
Everything and everyone in the world is increasingly interconnected. How is this possible? How is data transferred from one place to another? How can…
Art-Net is used by the Manima interface to control LEDs. LED-mappers use the Art-net communication protocol to send data to LED controllers. LED…
A client of MaNima Technologies B.V. asked our engineers if it is possible to design and install an installation in which there are 4 different SPI-…
Digital LED controllers are LED drivers that can control digital LEDs (such as GS8208, SM16703, HD107S, SK6812 etc.) with an SPI signal. The vast…
There are many possibilities within architectural lighting. LED architectural lighting is used both indoors and outdoors. LED architectal lighting…
MaNima Technologies is specialized in custom LED hardware and software engineering. We can offer a suitable LED solution for problems in new and…