UV-A curing solutions, 365nm, 395nm and 405nm
LuxaLight offers standard and custom-made LED solutions for curing solutions. Our industrial UV-A curing solutions with a wavelength in the UV-A spectrum (365nm, 395nm and 405nm) are suitable for applications such as:
- Adhesives (bijv. polymerization adhesive)
- Resins
- Coatings
- Paints and primers
- Fiberglass resin composites
- Photocatalystisch reactor
- Photocrosslinkable hydrogel
Higher effectiveness of higher wavelengths
With traditional mercury vapor lamps, only 365nm was used since there was no other alternative. Curing products had to be modified to be cured effectively on this wavelength. With LEDs it is possible to also cure at 395nm or 405nm, which is more energy efficient than 365nm.
Focussing UV-A radiation
Low pressure UV-A lamps emit light in an 360° direction. Allot of radiation does not reach the target area, resulting in a lower efficiency. Our standard UV-A LEDs are focussed at 120° degrees.
Strobing techniques
UV-A LEDs are capable of strobing. Strobing radiation is more effective for curing purposes than continuous radiation. Strobing is also beneficial for the life-time of the LEDs since this technique does not generate the same amount of heat as continuous radiation. In contrary, strobing low/medium pressure UVC lamps is not beneficial for the lifetime (and can even be destructive) and they require a ‘warm-up’ and ‘warm-down’ time.
Combining intelligence with industrial LED applications
LED interfaces from MaNima Technologies are suitable for curing industrial uv-led applications. With the help of our engineers it is possible to integrate the developed hardware and software into (existing) systems/ machines. Important parameters such as pulse width and height, strobe characteristics and triggers are easily configured using the MaNima Configurator, MaNima Cloud, and UDP commands.
The MaNima Pollux Industry has a wide range of inputs and outputs, such as digital contacts, Ethernet, Industrial Network Protocols.
For more information about the MaNima System click here.
Focusing LEDs compared to not focusing LEDs also has a lot of impact. Below is an image comparing our own LED fixtures, both without optics and with optics.
UV-A-LED's kunnen flitsen. Strobingstraling is effectiever voor uithardingsdoeleinden dan continue straling. Strobing is ook gunstig voor de levensduur van de LED's, omdat deze techniek niet dezelfde hoeveelheid warmte genereert als continue straling. Integendeel, het flitsen van UVC-lampen met lage/middendruk is niet bevorderlijk voor de levensduur (en kan zelfs destructief zijn) en ze vereisen een ‘opwarm-’ en ‘opwarmtijd’.
Combining intelligence with industrial LED applications
LED interfaces van MaNima Technologies zijn geschikt voor curing toepassingen. Met behulp van onze engineers is het mogelijk om de ontwikkelde hardware en software in (bestaande) systemen/ machines te integreren. Belangrijke parameters zoals pulse breedte en hoogte, strobe characteristics, en triggers zijn eenvoudig te configureren door middel van de MaNima Configurator, MaNima Cloud en UDP-commands.
De MaNima Pollux Industry beschikt over een breed scala aan in- en uitgangen, zoals digitale contacten, ethernet, Industriële Netwerk Protocollen.
De MaNima Pollux Industry beschikt over een 'pulse mode' waardoor 8 op snelheid geoptimaliseerde digitale ingangen gebruikt kunnen worden. Deze digitale ingangen schakelen de PWM-outputs tot puls snelheden van minimaal 10µs en maximaal 1000ms. Pulse mode wordt o.a. gebruikt om oppervlaktes voor een bepaalde tijd te behandelen met UV-straling.
Voor meer informatie over het MaNima Systeem klik hier.
Properties LuxaLight industrial UV-A LED engines
The technical properties of a LED Engine are determined on the basis of the application:
- Wavelength
- Heat management (e.g. embedded NTC, aluminum PCB, etc.)
- Radiation per m² (W/m²)
- Opening angle
- Distance from LED engine to illuminated object/ surface
- m² of the object/ surface to be illuminated
- (Maximum) mechanical dimensions
LuxaLight has the technical knowledge in the field of software and hardware engineering that makes it possible to develop a custom-made LED solution when a standard product is not sufficient.
UV-A LED engines in our product portfolio:
Example of a measurement of a LED engine UV-A:
A LED engine should meet certain mechanical requirements. By selecting the right mechanical requirements, a suitable housing can be selected. Mechanical requirements are often taken into account such as:

Modular and custom made LED solutions
For LED solutions in the curing industry, we have industrial UV-A LED fixtures in the standard product portfolio. An industrial LED fixture offers the following benefits:
- Variable dimensions possible
- Homogeneous light image by means of lens hood/ LED moulding
- LED moulding compatible
- Various opening angles possible due to optical lenses
- Various mounting options
- Possibility of multiple wavelengths in one fixture
- Economically beneficial due to modular construction
If the standard products do not meet the technical specifications, a custom-made solution is of course also possible.

Casting UV LED engines
In order to meet the technical requirements of the LED application, sometimes a choice has to be made for casting the housing. The composition of the casting resin is determined by the application. Click here for more information about LED moulding.
It is always possible to contact us without any obligation for suitable advice.
Click here for more information about UV curing in industry.